News (Gamestation)

Activision dates Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock

According to Eurogamer, Activision HQ has finally slapped a date on Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock. And guess what? Us European types are getting it four days before the US is!

The latest instalment in the massive rhythm action franchise - apparently, over 40 million Guitar Hero games have been sold so far - will be hitting shelves on 24th September in Blighty, with our friends across the pond waiting until the 28th.

Warriors of Rock will be the only Guitar Hero game released this year. After a number of decent add ons and off-shoots, it looks like Activision is getting back to its roots with one big stellar game at a time. The latest certainly looks interesting, introducing a lavish story mode for the first time, as a gang of Guitar Heroes set off on an epic quest to save a legendary guitar and slay an enormous beast, and organising its songs into themed playlists, such as a CBGB level which sees you tackling a gaggle of punk songs.

With over 90 songs on the disk and a brand new guitar, which ditches reality entirely in favour of some bizarre stylings, Warriors of Rock looks to be just what the music doctor ordered. The game will be available for the Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii.

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