
Bungie releases more Destiny details

Bungie, the studio that brought us Halo, has released a heaping helping of new information regarding its next project, the ambitious online shooter Destiny. The game finds players sharing a desolate future Earth, fighting for territory against alien invaders.

Key to the gameplay will be the different character classes, and it's these that have been fleshed out in a new update to the Destiny website. For Warlocks, the game's sci-fi equivalent of mages, the site has the following to say: "Warlocks have long studied the Traveler, mastering some of its arcane energies. Its true purpose still remains a great mystery, but discovering truth has always driven you into the unknown. Now, our enemies are the only thing that stands between you and the lost wonders of our Golden Age."

The warrior-like Titans are described thus: "The first Titans built the Wall, and gave their lives to defend it. Now, you stand in the same high place, steadfast and sure, protecting all who shelter in your shadow. You hail from a long line of heroes, forged from strength and sacrifice. Our enemies may be deadly and merciless, but so are you.

Finally, there are Hunters: "Hunters once prowled the wilderness and wastelands, taking big risks for even bigger rewards. You’re no outlaw - at least, not anymore - but making your own luck has always meant bending the rules. Your unique brand of daring and ingenuity is needed now more than ever."

The site also has pages detailing the last human city on Earth, as well as other locations you'll able to explore such as the Moon, Mars and Venus. There's advice on how to deal with alien scavengers The Fallen - "If you see one in the wild, know there are many more nearby, and don’t hesitate to send their souls screaming into the black" - and hints at another race, The Cabal, which inhabits Mars.

Destiny will be released for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. There's no fixed release date yet.

Published: 10/05/2013

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