Embark on Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, a critically acclaimed game with an expanded storyline, new locations, and demons. Choose between two paths: "Canon of Vengeance," a tale of revenge with new characters and Qadistu demons, or the original "Canon of Creation," an eternal conflict between angels and demons. The story unfolds in modern-day Tokyo, leading the protagonist to Da'at, a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Saved by a mysterious ally, they become Nahobino and journey through Da'at, navigating conflicts between mythical deities and demonic tyrants. Explore, make choices, and shape the fate of the world in this gripping celestial battle. Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance is available on
PlayStation 5,
Xbox X/S and
Nintendo Switch. Will Frey be able to unravel the mysteries of Athia and bring peace to the land?