Wolfenstein: The New Order dated, comes with Doom beta access

Are you an old school shooter fan? If so, here are two reasons to get excited. First is Bethesda's announcement of a release date for its rebooted Wolfenstein

Are you an old school shooter fan? If so, here are two reasons to get excited. First is Bethesda's announcement of a release date for its rebooted Wolfenstein.

Wolfenstein: The New Order revamps the granddaddy of the FPS genre, returning square-jawed commando BJ Blazkowski to the battle against the Nazis. In this game Blazkowski wakes up after decades in the deep freeze to discover that the Nazis won the Second World War thanks to an arsenal of ancient and powerful weapons. In a world now ruled by Hitler and his robot fascist goons, Blazkowski has to save the day.

Developed by Starbreeze, best known for Riddick and The Darkness, the game is a single-player only story-driven experience that harks back to the fast, frag-happy shooters of old. You'll be able to dual-wield shotguns as well as double your health with handy pick-ups.

The New Order is looking great, but there's another reason to pick it up. Ordering Wolfenstein automatically grants access to the beta tests of the long awaited next Doom game, via a redeemable code. There's no date set for the beta yet, but Bethesda has said that at the moment ordering Wolfenstein will be the only way to gain access.

Wolfenstein: The New Order hits on May 23 for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC.

SKU: News-287753
Release Date: 20/02/2014