Thief gets a sneaky release date

The long-awaited reboot of seminal stealth series Thief will make its debut on February 28th next year, publisher Square Enix has revealed. The game is in development for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC, as well as Xbox One and PlayStation 4, with all versions expected to launch together.

The game is set in the Victorian steampunk world of The City, where the despotic Baron Northcrest wages class war on the poor. A bearded rebel known as Orion is stirring up rebellion, and it's through this complicated and dangerous environment that you'll guide master thief Garrett.

The game's director, Nicolas Cantin, has already described the new take on the character of Garrett as being an anti-hero with more than a dash of The Joker, while his costume is inspired by the classic goth-horror superhero movie, The Crow.

Much like the recent Dishonored, which was heavily inspired by the previous Thief games, this will be a game where silent sneaking is preferable to violent action. You'll be more nimble than your foes, but with improved AI they'll actually hunt for you in a realistic and systematic manner. Rather than just chasing down corridors looking for you, they'll search potential hiding places and use their own knowledge of the area to flush you out.

It's all sounding very exciting, and now we know that there's only six months to wait until we can get our hands on it.

SKU: News-241802
Release Date: 19/08/2013