The Shadow of Zorro (PC)

1830, Los Angeles is alive with excitement. The new captain, Fuertes, is arriving this morning. As Sergeant Garcia clumsily puts his patrol through their paces, Don Alejandro, Don Diego's father, thinks he recognises a man in the crowd…Can this really be the Butcher of Zaragoza, the infamous war criminal that Don Alejandro had fought and left for dead in the Spanish war against France?

How has this evil individual managed to recover from his terrible wounds and reappear in California? And who is that beautiful young lady with the sad eyes standing beside him, who seems to have bewitched Don Diego so?The masked avenger will need to have his wits about him if he is to foil his enemies. He will need to slip in and out of the shadows and mark his foes with a Z. Z for Zorro? We shall see…
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