Sunset Overdrive now lets you vote on new content in-game

Sunset Overdrive now lets you vote on new content in-game

Sunset Overdrive on XBOX One at

Insomniac Games, the developer behind Xbox One exclusive Sunset Overdrive as well as past hits such as Ratchet and Clank and Resistance, is going to start adding loads of new content to the game, and it wants players to help them decide what to do.

From now on, whenever you log on to the game you'll earn voting points. You'll earn more points for every day you play consecutively, and even more for completing in-game challenges. You can then go to the Sunset TV icons in the game world, and use those points to vote on proposed costumes, gameplay changes and other features.

So, basically, the more dedicated you are as a player, the more influence you'll have. Also, in a very nice touch, if the option you vote for doesn't win, you get your voting points back plus some extra. That way, people who back a loser have more chance of swaying the next vote, so nobody gets left out.

Right now, the choice is between new character costume options based on support characters Buck National and Floyd. Whichever character is most popular will have their clothing appear in the player customisation options, but will also get to star in an upcoming bonus mission.

So what are you waiting for? Get back to Sunset City and exercise your democratic rights!

Sunset Overdrive is out now for Xbox One.

SKU: News-319294
Release Date: 26/11/2014