Sony releases impressive PS4 sales figures

Six months on from the launch of the PlayStation 4, and Sony has released some impressive stats and figures to celebrate the success of its next gen beast

Six months on from the launch of the PlayStation 4, and Sony has released some impressive stats and figures to celebrate the success of its next gen beast.

Over seven million consoles have been sold worldwide as of the beginning of April, while 20.5 million games have been sold, both at retail and as digital downloads from the PlayStation Store. 120 new PS4 games are expected between now and the end of 2014, Sony reminds us, including exclusives such as Evolution Studios sleek racer Driveclub and historical horror action game The Order 1886. There's also a slew of cool indie games headed to the machine, including The Witness from Braid developer Jonathan Blow, and rubbery comedy adventure Octodad: Dadliest Catch.

The console's new features also seem to have been a big hit. More than 135 million screenshots and videos have been posted online thanks to the Dual Shock 4's "share" button, along with almost 5 million gameplay broadcasts via the console's streaming apps, which have attracted over 90 million viewing sessions. Them's some big numbers.

"The response from the global gaming community for PS4 has been overwhelming and we are truly humbled that gamers are selecting PS4 as their next generation console of choice," said Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Andrew House. "The PS4 journey has just begun."

SKU: News-292280
Release Date: 17/04/2014