Sacred 3 coming this summer

Action role-playing sequel Sacred 3 will hit PC and consoles later this year, publisher Deep Silver tells us

Action role-playing sequel Sacred 3 will hit PC and consoles later this year, publisher Deep Silver tells us.

You'll once again venture into the land of Ancaria to repel evil forces in a top-down Diablo-style hack and slash fashion. Fan favourite characters from the previous games such as the Seraphim, Ancarian, Khukuhru and the Safiri will all return, and there's a new character too, in the shape of Malakhim.

All character classes have unique skills and upgrade trees, with the flexibility to adapt to your preferred style of play. You'll also be able to fight alongside your friends, with drop-in co-operative play throughout the game, both offline (for two players) and online (for four players). Even if you play solo, you'll be accompanied by three AI companions.

"The paramount development goal for Sacred 3 has been to create a seamless online and offline co-op experience", says Deep Silver's Remy van Leeuwen. "By creating a game built around the central concept of co-op gameplay, we're expanding the series to new audiences without compromising the rich lore and fantasy of the Sacred universe."

Sacred 3 will be released for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC when the single sun is at its peak and men in sandals doth roam the land. That's "the summer" to you.

SKU: News-287755
Release Date: 20/02/2014