Root Letter PS4 Game (PlayStation 4)

A new IP from Kadokawa (Dark Souls). Root Letter is a sinister murder mystery set in real-world Japan.  Root Letter takes Visual Novels to the next level with the most lavish production ever seen in the genre!

The game line will feature a number of recurring "actress" characters called Mystery Actresses, who will "play" different roles in each game. 

Root Letter PS4 Game

  • The truth is endless sorrow. A letter with no postmark. An unopened letter from your old pen pal Aya Fumino.
  • "I have killed someone. I have to atone for my sin. We must part here. Goodbye."
  • What had happened 15 years ago? The truth lies in her letter, and in the testimony of seven classmates.
  • Was she an angel or a demon? Where is she now?
  • A youthful suspense story that weaves together reminiscence and reality.

Seven different mysteries see you unraveling the lies and rivalries from seven childhood friends - and their consequences in adulthood.  Can you uncover everyone's secrets?

Root Letter PS4 Gameplay: 

  • Eleven chapters see you stepping into the past by re-enacting the events told in eleven letters....
SKU: 662829-product