Premium DualFuel Ammo Clip for PlayStation 3 (Accessories)

The Game Case style DualFuel AmmoClip is a revolutionary concept – not only can it charge your controllers with speed using mains power, it also looks and feels second to none. Ultra compact and fronting some serious artwork, the AmmoClip has been designed to be slotted away alongside your games. Leaving your living room free from clutter and you the envy of all your mates.

DualFuel Ammo Clip Features:

  • Compact cool: With the same dimensions as your favourite games, this charger takes up the smallest of storage space.
  • Intuitive charging dock: On opening the ammo clip, the charging station simply falls into place – no painful set up method here!
  • Neat, tidy & portable: Simply snap this charger shut and stack on your shelf, or carry around to your mate’s for a marathon gaming session!
  • Fast reload: AC powered necessary for dual charging at optimized speed, simply click in and reload.
  • Additional LED feedback informs you of charging status, so you know when you’re good to go.
  • Full metal jacket: The formed metal outer case looks and feels like your special edition game cases, durable, tactile and finished with high quality full color artwork inside and out.
  • Charges from AC Mains power
SKU: 239477-product
Release Date: TBD