Plane Scape Torment (PC)

The Planescape multiverse is the setting for the game - but setting is actually a misnomer... the Planescape multiverse is actually composed of a series of planes (other dimensions) that rotate around a central city Sigil like spokes on a wheel. The city of Sigil is the central fixture of the Planescape multiverse. Also called the Cage or the City of Doors it's unique in that scattered throughout its labyrinth of streets are portals (some hidden some obvious) that lead to anywhere in existence provided you hold the proper key. It is neutral ground and watering hole for races and creatures from across the multiverse all under the watchful eye of the Lady of Pain the enigmatic ruler of the city.The world of Planescape is a more adult hard-core fantasy setting compared to other ADandD worlds. The architecture the people the creatures - everything has an edge to it. Belief emotions faith and other abstract concepts actually make their presence felt in reality. In the Planescape multiverse belief has the power to reshape worlds kill and resurrect beings and change the laws of physics.
SKU: 398117-product