Sureshot Hand Bow (Merchandise)

It looks and feels like a real Handbow, but shoots super safe sucker darts. Ideal for the younger shooters but quite at home with all generations. The safety trigger ensures the bow can only shoot when loaded with a Petron sucker dart. With a front and rear sight, this bow is remarkably accurate. Equally suited for shooting indoors and outdoors.

Supplied with three Sureshot sucker darts.
It looks and feels like a real Handbow, but shoots super safe sucker darts. Ideal for the younger shooters but quite at home with all generations. The safety trigger ensures the bow can only shoot when loaded with a Petron sucker dart. With a front and rear sight, this bow is remarkably accurate. Equally suited for shooting indoors and outdoors.

Supplied with three Sureshot sucker darts.
SKU: 803832-product
Release Date: 08/02/2021