Ironclads Pack (PC)

Ironclads: is a 3D naval historical turn-based strategy game based on the Civil war in the USA. Take part in battles from the USS Monitor vs CSS Virginia and many other vessels! The game's locations are created based on historical documents and accounts of real battles 3D models of the warships are based on original drawings from archives. Use of real stats of the warships calculations of collisions between ships, flooding and capsizing, shell modeling use of a special ballistic calculator. Ironclads Anglo Russian War 1865 Russia sought to seize control of Constantinople. The city controls the Black Sea straits, an important economic and strategic point of the Black and Mediterranean Seas. Ironclads Chincha Islands War 1866 Spain tried to restore by force its influence on its former colonies, Chile and Peru. This strong Spanish squadron occupied the Chincha Islands, very important to the economy of Peru. Peru received support from neighboring Chile, Ecuador and Bolivia. Ironclads High Seas For over a year the forces of the United States of America (Northern States) and the Confederates States of America (Southern States) have fought a bitter war. In 1862 the governments of Great Britain, France and Spain recognize the Southern States to secure raw materials. The Souths economy becomes dependent on trade with Europe. The Northern Government imposes a complete blockade of shipping to the South. The Confederate Government buys warships from the European powers, to protect its trade. Ironclads Schleswig War 1864 The Danish government wanted to annex the duchy of Schleswig to the Danish kingdom while the Prussian government, for strategic reasons, wanted Schleswig to finally became a part of Germany.
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