Go For Broke (Puzzles and Board Games)

Your Great Uncle Edward has popped his clogs and his billion-pound fortune is up for grabs. To get hold of his riches you must accept the challenge set in his will…spend one million pounds faster than any of the other potential inheritors!

Live the high life, charter a yacht, buy and sell antiques, bet wildly on the stock exchange, gamble in the games room or buy a motor racing team, just squander your money as fast as you can. Go for Broke…the game you win by losing a million!

  • The game you win by losing a million
  • Get your hands on Uncle’s riches! Uncles Edward has popped his clogs and his billion pound fortune is up for grabs
  • To get hold of the inheritance you must accept the challenge set in Uncle’s will: spend one million pounds faster than any other player
  • The first to lose a million pounds wins the game and Uncle Edward’s fortune

    Contents: Game board, share certificates, dice, playing pieces, race cars, slot machine, stock exchange spinner, auction house hammer, race track spinner, stickers and instructions
  • SKU: 840888-product
    Release Date: 22/03/2024