Editor's Choice - The Wolf Among Us - Episode 3: A Crooked Mile

Telltale's latest episodic epic has reached its halfway point, fangs bared, as Sheriff Bigby Wolf tucks his tail between his legs and chases after his prime suspect

Editor's Choice

GAME previews Telltales episodic adventure, The Wolf Among Us on Xbox 360.

Telltale's latest episodic epic, The Wolf Among Us, has reached its halfway point, fangs bared, as Sheriff Bigby Wolf tucks his tail between his legs and chases after his prime suspect.

If you don't know what on earth we're talking about, let us translate - this is the third episode of a game series set in Fabletown, a community of fairytale characters hiding in plain sight in a noir version of Manhattan during the 1980s. Yes, that might sound like the stuff of hallucinogenic substances - the Big Bad Wolf, The Three Little Pigs, et al. living out their days in a human city - but the game is currently weaving a dark, clever tale about a detective hunting down a killer in a world of double-crosses and hard-nosed investigations, all based on the acclaimed comic book series, Fables.

If you're new to The Wolf Among Us, then we recommend buying the first installment now. For those who have finished the first two episodes ('Faith' and 'Smoke and Mirrors') on the Xbox 360, then buying the season pass for the remaining three is more essential than ever.

GAME previews Telltales episodic adventure, The Wolf Among Us on Xbox 360.

By now, you'll have discovered The Wolf Among Us' rich world, fantastic characters and twisting plotline, all wrapped up in a graphic adventure that uses quick time events intelligently and whose storyline alters depending on how you interact with the game's characters.

And A Crooked Mile is no different. This time though, the pacing has kicked up its heels as the Sheriff finally uncovers who he believes is the real killer of two Fabletown prostitutes. And the resulting twists and turns prove once again developer Telltale's gift for engrossing storylines; just wait until the episode's shocking finale to see what we mean...

The series might sound like grim stuff but The Wolf Among Us and Telltale's other classic The Walking Dead shows that the graphic adventure genre has legs even in this brave new-gen world. One with strong, hairy legs - and blood-splattered claws on the end of each of 'em...

SKU: Features-292261
Release Date: 11/04/2014