Editor's Choice - Harley Quinn's Revenge

Editor's Choice

Harley Quinn's Revenge DLC for Batman Arkham City for PSN and Xbox LIVE

The Bat is back in this fresh expansion pack for Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network; trouble is so is Harley Quinn. And the Joker's main squeeze is suitably enraged (and even more cutely psychotic than usual) about how things turned out for the love of her life at the end of Batman: Arkham City...

Time then to head back out on to the mean streets (and into the smoggy skies) in this third-person action adventure - but this time playing as the Boy Wonder as well as 'Cape Fear' himself, Batman. This time round, Robin's been let out of his cage, well, those challenge rooms of the main game, and is now free to flap about Arkham itself.

Given that he sports the world's worst superhero name, that might sound like an unappealing proposition - but those clever developer chaps at Rocksteady are the first people in Robin's 72-year career to actually sort out his goody-two-shoes image problem. With a lethal staff, a new zip-line gadget, shurikens, sticky bombs and a bullet shield, he's now officially a 'Bad Ass'; yep, his days of getting wedgies from Joker's henchmen are now officially over, folks.

Robin Strikes in Harley Quinn's Revenge for Batman Arkham City for PSN and Xbox LIVE at GAME

Tag teaming between our two heroes, you're off to the city's steel mill to clip the increasingly frayed wings of the city's new self-appointed head bad gal, Quinn, who's taken police officers hostage to act as Bat bait. What this means is a two-hour-plus campaign that involves those usual but brilliant stalwarts of detective work and predatory takedowns mixed with punching and kicking 50 shades of brown stuff out of Quinn's motley crew of thugs and freaks (who are now sporting some very natty Harley-inspired designer threads, dontcha know).

Short and sweet, Harley Quinn's Revenge is the perfect epilogue then to Arkham City's surprising denouement. And for those who miss the Joker as much as Harley does, fret not because he'll be back. In 2014...

SKU: Previews-170706
Release Date: 12/07/2012