
Gamescom 2010: Kinect dated, mobile gaming and a classic returns!

Kinect - Released: 10/11/10

Microsoft kick off Gamescom announcing that Kinect, there Controller free way of gaming will be launched November 10th! Kinect allows you to step into your games and makes the experience more interactive! Also Microsoft are preparing to unveil more information and features regarding Kinect and it's software as the now announced launch date of November 10th draws closer!

Microsoft will also be unveiling the first selection of Xbox Live games to launch on the Window Phone 7! With Avatars, Achievements and friends being accessible in the palm of your hand.

Also for those who love their PC gaming Microsoft are set to show the newest addition to the much loved "Age of Empires" in the form of "Age of Empires Online", which have something for the Age of Empires veterans and newcomers alike!

Also at Gamescom are two of Microsoft's biggest titles for this year; Fable III and Halo Reach!

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