
Pokemon Platinum Version Review

Monster bunch

Despite being one of the most popular games in the world Pokemon still has it's detractors and today, right here right now it's time to say enough. Pokemon is the greatest RPG game in the world. "But all the characters are cutesy and the music saccharine sweet," moan the naysayers. "It's a kid's game, it has nothing to offer me," they ramble on. You know these dull-thinking, limp-minded morons really wind me up, didn't they hear me three sentences ago? Back then I explained that "Pokemon is the greatest RPG game in the world". Weren't they a-listening? Didn't they understand? Oh well let them be. Luckily we have open minds, we aren't swayed by prejudice and bias. Crucially we also know that if you strip off the cutesy outer layer, this is a hugely complex and entertaining game. We know that if you play this once you'll be hooked.

If you play this once you'll be hooked.

That's the fact I'm afraid, this is an RPG that is as good as it gets and the wild irony is for a game of this type you can just pick it up and Play. Most games with this amount of depth are complex affairs that demand a lot of patience before you get into play proper. The only barrier to playing this game is that people think it's a cute kids game.

So how great is great?

In the game you are a Pokemon trainer. This means you have to catch, train and then battle your Pokemon (or pocket monsters) against monsters in the wild or other trainers. That's it. That's all you need to know about how to play. The thing is, once you're in, the nuances and twists and turns involved in battling other monsters mean that the variety on offer is immense.

You have to catch, train and then battle your Pokemon... that's all you need to know about how to play.

For people who are already addicted to Pokemon you'll simply have been nodding away waiting to find out what's different in this incarnation. There have been tweaks, there's a new form of Pokemon called Frost Rotom that is, well it's a fridge. There's also a fan and a dishwasher... all of which may have seemed like a good idea in a planning meeting but they don't translate brilliantly. Though, that said, the online community has gone mad for them. Also Sinnoh, the Poke-world region the game is set in, is vast and has areas like casinos with basic slot machines to divert yourself with. Essentially this is purely a refinement on what came in Diamond and Pearl. However, the refinements are so good that I can't say it's not worth playing if you have one or both of those games because it is. As well you know.

Game on

The main quest of the game will take you quite some time but once complete you get the Battle Frontier. Here you rent Pokemon and battle them on an island away from the main game and fight trainers, each one tougher than the last. This is Pokemon distilled to its purest form and encourages you to build the perfect team of five and know the different monsters' strengths and weaknesses. This game also sports the best online battles and trades the game has seen. It also allows you to get a mate to join you on the Battle Frontier for a two-on-two scrap. In short everything you've ever wanted from the game is here, what was already there has been refined... and what was there was good enough to make this a brilliant game. Well. Don't just stand there... go and get it!

GAME's Verdict
plus points
  • The best RPG there is. Seriously
  • It looks and sounds great
  • It's highly addictive
minus points
  • Essentially it's Just Diamond and Pearl
  • Some people think it's a kids game. They're wrong
  • It's highly addictive

Review by: Simon 'Pokirraneymon' Kirrane
Version Tested: Nintendo DS
Review Published: 25.05.09

Published: 21/05/2009

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