
Review Roundup: Mario & Luigi Dream Team

Dream Team, the fourth in the Mario & Luigi RPG spin-off series, is out now and by all accounts it continues Nintendo's tradition of taking familiar characters and refreshing them with new ideas in charmingly designed games.

"Tirelessly inventive fun" is the verdict from Official Nintendo Magazine, which slaps a 92% score on the game and praises its light-hearted Inception-esque plot. "A game set in Luigi's wildest dreams turns out to be the game of our wildest dreams," it says.

Dream Team is also the funniest Mario title in ages, says Videogamer's 9/10 review. "Dream Team Bros.' greatest strength lays within its superb dialogue and utterly dry to nonsensical sense of humour," reads the review. "Any game that can make you laugh out loud within the first 5 minutes deserves some credit, but it's a feat the latest Mario & Luigi achieves time and time again."

Pocket Gamer, meanwhile, loves the way Dream Team strips away the stats and clutter from the JRPG genre, emphasising fun over grinding. "A thoughtful take on the JRPG," declares the 9/10 review. "A fresh spin on a classic genre. Stripping away the traditional obsession with stats, and getting back to the fundamentals of exciting battles and intriguing storylines, the game then builds on this solid foundation to create an experience that's as feature-packed as any JRPG, and twice as thrilling."

Game Reactor also agrees, offering another glowing 9/10 score and declaring the game a return to form for Nintendo's RPG offshoot. "The Plumber brothers' latest adventure shows both Nintendo and their handheld console in top form," reads the review, "And contains much of the same magic, surprise and humor of the original Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga."

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team is out now for Nintendo 3DS.

Published: 12/07/2013

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